Survivor Story of the Month: Interview With Paul C. John Duray
Question: When did you acquire your brain injury?
Answer: When I was 19 years old at St. Thomas Seminary in the year 1971. A big basketball player pushed me from behind and I had a concussion initially, and no one checked me out.
Question: What were some of your initial obstacles?
Answer: TBI. With no filter in my brain (frontal lobe), words didn’t come out straight, swearing affected me.
Question: What were the things or people who motivated you?
Answer: My Mom and Dad, Amy Eaton, Dr. Eugene Piasetsky, Jill Cohn Center, Genevieve. My Dad took me to Danbury and Wallingford.
Question: How has P.G. helped?
Answer: Support got me into the community for social skills.
Question: What words of advice would you like to encourage someone who has just acquired ABI?
Answer: Have patience.
Thank you, you’re a SURVIVOR!